The Indians defeated Mountfield Ceske Budejovice 4:2 on Sunday. The main figure of the game was Jan Kovar who put his brother in Mountfield´s cage down and scored two times. His goal from 57th minute was the game winner. In end-to-end match the Indians opened the score. Jan Kovar deflected the shot from the blue line - 1:0. The goaltender Kovar made a solid save against Jerabek and the visiting team equalized the game. After a fast counter Roman Psurny beat Mazanec in the home goal - 1:1. The first period ended up in a tie. After the conciliatory period both team did not want to make a mistake and the play was not very attractive. The spectators have been waiting for a goal to 57th minute. Michal Dvorak deflected Sykora´s shot from the blue line - 2:1. But after a few seconds Martynek broke the home giddiness - 2:2. But Pilsen team made a fantastic finish. 43 seconds after Martynek´s goal the hero of the bout Jan Kovar beat his brother again - 3:2. The captain Straka sealed the victory during visiting team´s power-play - 4:2.
Pilsen – Ceské Budejovice 4:2 (1:1, 0:0, 3:1)
Goals and assistances: 10. Jan Kovář (St. Pierre), 56. Dvořák (Sýkora, Straka), 57. Jan Kovář (Vlasák, Sýkora), 59. Straka (Vostřák) – 20. R. Pšurný (Kašpařík), 57. Martynek. Referees: Husička, Polák – Bryška, Novák. Penalties: 5:5, goals on the power-play: 1:0. Spectators: 5877.
Pilsen: Mazanec – J. Jeřábek, Jiří Hanzlík, St. Pierre, Modrý, Benák, Dresler, Frolo – Dvořák, Straka, Vlasák – P. Sýkora, Jan Kovář, J. Heřman – Lammers, M. Heřman, Johnson – Stránský, Vostřák, Lev. Trenér: M. Jelínek.
Ceske Budejovice: Jakub Kovář – Snopek, Šulc, Novák, Jank, Tůma, Vydarený – Šimánek, Mikeska, Pletka – Gulaš, Kašpařík, R. Pšurný – Mertl, Červený, Martynek. Trenér: F. Výborný
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